Shin Daimyo

MPH, RN , Masters (Alumni)

Shin Daimyo, MPH, RN, is currently a student at the Yale School of Nursing, studying to become a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. He also currently acts as Senior Advisor for Mental Health at Partners In Health (PIH), providing key service delivery, training, research, strategy, management, and capacity building advisement for PIH's mental health programs throughout the world.

He managed the scale-up of community-based mental health services in the Central Plateau and Artibonite region of Haiti, and acts as Co-Investigator for the scale-up of mentoring and supervision of health center nurses to address severe mental disorders in the Burera District of Rwanda. He also provided advisement for the creation and integration of community-based mental health systems into the public sector primary care systems of Lesotho, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, and Russia. He advised local NGOs in Pakistan and India to work with local government primary care systems to build sustainable solutions for resource-poor communities with unmet mental health needs, and worked as a Policy Fellow at the World Health Organization. Additionally, Mr. Daimyo has acted as Behavioral Health Advisor to the New York City Office of the Executive Deputy Commissioner, Division of Mental Hygiene, providing technical expertise on the integration of behavioral health into primary care and social-services organizations, community-driven mental health service development, and creation of task-shifted, community-based mental health systems for New York City's $850 million ThriveNYC initiative. He has also authored white papers and policy briefs related to the Affordable Care Act and acted as Director of the Obama Florida Health Care Policy Committee for the 2008 Presidential election. Mr. Daimyo is the first-ever nursing student to be awarded the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship. He is a graduate of the Boston University School of Public Health and the University of Southern California.